The GAVs generally have a term of between two and four years. If you would like to read an overview of the currently applicable AVE GAVs, the SECO website is highly recommended
In Switzerland, various industries have collective employment agreements (GAV) in place which are generally agreed between employer and employee representatives. On the request of the contractual parties, the Federation or Cantons can declare GAVs generally binding providing the legal requirements to realise this are fulfilled. With the general binding declaration (AVE), the scope of application of a GAV is extended to cover all employees and employers within the industry in question or within one specific area.
The respective GAVs regulate how the implementation of GAV regulations is ensured, among other things. The joint commissions made up of employer and employee representatives generally appoint an external inspection body to examine compliance with a GAV. The inspection body then produces a report for the commission, which is able to declare sanctions in the case of possible violations.
PRÜFAG examines compliance with the regulations of the various AVE GAVs. The examination process requires an efficient and target-driven audit approach, not to mention a great deal of experience and knowledge of the individual industries.